Quality & Process

Quality & You
What does Quality mean to You?

What would happen if everyone had a fearless reaction to Quality? Imagine what we could accomplish; the problems that we could resolve in business, our personal lives, and in government.

August 20, 2019
Quality & You
Make Quality a Lifestyle Choice

When Quality becomes a lifestyle, people rise above the norm and do extraordinary things.

August 20, 2019
Quality & You
Transform Your Organization through Quality

“Quality” is not just part of your business plan. It is a lifestyle choice - something that you do every moment of your life and in every situation.

August 20, 2019
Quality & You
Redefine the Nature of Quality

If we change our attitude toward a Quality lifestyle, can change our situation? Can we change our lives?

August 20, 2019
Quality & You
Are you driven by the culture of “Good Enough”?

Quality must become everyone’s business; we must reject that “good” can never be “good enough!

August 20, 2019
Quality & You
Quality is Everyone’s Business

Why should everyone in your organization be focused on quality? Here are four observations that makes the answer very clear.

August 20, 2019
Quality & You
What does your mission statement say about quality?

Stop treating your quality policy and mission statement as separate actions. Unify them as one and draw everyone together behind QUALITY.

August 20, 2019
Quality & You
LEO Revisited: The benefits of “Listen, Enrich, Optimize”

Quality begins with positive, individual action; when everyone in the organization is listening, enriching, and optimizing.

August 20, 2019
Quality & You
Four Cornerstones for Change

You want change? How can you motivate your organization to embrace change rather than resist it?

August 20, 2019